Marine Gueguin, Lecturer

Marine Gueguin


Marine is a Lecturer in IR and Security Studies. She specialises in Critical Terrorism Studies, Critical Security Studies and Decolonial approaches, with a specific focus on the French War on Terror, French counterterrorism strategy in the domestic and Sahel spaces.

Marine hold a PhD in Terrorism and Security Studies from The School of Politics and International Studies (University of Leeds). She hold an MA in Terrorism, Security and Insurgency (University of Leeds, 2017-2018), an LLM in International Law (University of Southampton, 2015-2016); and a Bachelor of Law (Universite de Rennes 1, 2012-2015).

Marine's work focuses on critical terrorism studies, decolonial terrorism studies and critical security studies.

Marine is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for Global Security Challenges.

Marine is the co-host and co-lead of Insecure: A Security Podcast.

Current Teaching

  • Security, Conflict and Development
  • Theories of International Relations
  • Gendering the International
  • Theorising of Human Rights
  • Research Methods

Research Interests

Marine is currently working on the notion of colonial space(s), colonialities of CT powers by the French, the interventionism logic in the Sahel, Iraq and Syria by the French troops as an extension of her doctoral research. She is also writing her Monograph for Routledge book series Critical Studies on Terrorism (publication in 2024).

Marine's doctoral thesis investigated the framing of the terrorist threat in France from 2015 to 2020 as an ‘exceptional’ challenge which requires a ‘special’ public security response. The thesis explored how political actors frame the terrorist threat in French political discourse from an exceptional/existential challenge to a permanent threat. The thesis employed a post-Copenhagen School approach to securitisation arguing an impossibility to desecuritise the threat of terrorism in the French case, and exposed the embeddedness of emergency powers and French CT powers in colonial legacies and colonialities, following a decolonial conceptual and theoretical framework. The doctoral project focused on the domestic CT powers.

Marine Gueguin, Lecturer

Ask Me About

  1. Decolonial terrorism studies
  2. Politics
  3. Security
  4. Terrorism