Sharon Beattie, QC,

Sharon Beattie, QC

Sharon Beattie is a barrister at New Park Court Chambers in Leeds and Newcastle Upon Tyne; she was appointed a QC in March 2021. Sharon practises primarily in Crime and Medical Regulatory Law, having undertaken many high profile and sensitive cases in both areas.

Having completed her LLB in Leeds, Sharon joined Chambers in the same city and has remained there ever since. Sharon has had both a career break and worked part-time, returning to full time practise in 2016. As such, she is aware of the difficulties of individuals, particularly, but not exclusively, of women, in returning to the profession after such breaks and is keen to see an emphasis both on retention and supported return for such individuals.

Sharon is the Wellbeing Officer for the North Eastern Circuit and a member of the Circuit Executive. She is also a Trustee of York based Charity, Older Citizens Advocacy (OCAY), which provides advocacy for older individuals who may have communication difficulties or be vulnerable, due to factors such as age or hearing difficulties, when dealing with a wide range of situations including official bodies, utility companies and medical services. Sharon would encourage any aspiring (or existing) advocates to consider volunteering for such community charities in their local areas, as “grass roots” advocacy can make such a positive difference to those who, for whatever reason, are hampered in everyday communication.

Sharon Beattie, QC,