Alignment plan

We aim to continuously provide excellent, inter-connected and sustainable resources that are focussed on delivering our institutional ambitions.

A culture that promotes transparency, accountability and is clear about our priorities and shared purpose will assist us in being more efficient, effective, collaborative, and flexible. 

A cycle of continuous process improvement will release resource to support our academic activities. 
Reviews of our organisational structure will identify opportunities for common activities and responsibilities to be co-located and will respond to changes in the external environment.

We will examine our technologies, structures, policies and financial processes to make partnership and collaborative working easy at home and overseas.

Excellent data analysis will inform a long-term investment plan that aligns with our strategic objectives. Our annual budget allocation model will be regularly reviewed to ensure it responds to changes in the external environment.

Acknowledging the 17 United Nations sustainability goals, our sustainability plan will influence the stewardship of all our resources, including our estate, our people and our role within the regional community.