Race Equality Charter

Fostering an Anti- Racist Culture

Race Equality Charter

Advance HE’s Race Equality Charter provides a framework through which institutions work to identify and self-reflect on institutional and cultural barriers standing in the way of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff and students.

Race Equality Charter principles

The Race Equality Charter is underpinned by five fundamental guiding principles:

  1. Racial inequalities are a significant issue within higher education. Racial inequalities are not necessarily overt, isolated incidents. Racism is an everyday facet of UK society and racial inequalities manifest themselves in everyday situations, processes and behaviours
  2. UK higher education cannot reach its full potential unless it can benefit from the talents of the whole population and until individuals from all ethnic backgrounds can benefit equally from the opportunities it affords
  3. In developing solutions to racial inequalities, it is important that they are aimed at achieving long-term institutional culture change, avoiding a deficit model where solutions are aimed at changing the individual
  4. Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff and students are not a homogenous group. People from different ethnic backgrounds have different experiences of and outcomes from/within higher education, and that complexity needs to be considered in analysing data and developing actions
  5. All individuals have multiple identities, and the intersection of those different identities should be considered wherever possible
Race Equality Charter Bronze Award

The university achieved a bronze award from the Race Equality Charter in August 2023. This highlighted both the progress made on advancing race equality at the institution and the need to continue to take steps in the right direction.

This work has been led by our Race Equality Self-Assessment Team, chaired by Tracey Lancaster, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Resources).

Our Race Equality Charter application will be published in due course.

The university is launching a combined chartermark group, chaired by Professor Silke Machold, Pro Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation, that will bring together actions plans for the Race Equality Charter and Athena Swan, in the first instance, to ensure that progress continues to be made.

To find out more about the Race Equality Charter visit Advance HE.

If you have any questions about our work towards the Race Equality Charter, please contact our Equality and Inclusion Team via equality@leedsbeckett.ac.uk.

Get in touch with the Equality Diversity and Inclusion Team