equality data

Our equality information gives us a clear picture of who our staff and our students are. Knowing and understanding our staff and student profile helps us to identify where we have challenges and how to plan positive actions to address these. 

We’re also bound by legal obligations and reporting requirements in relation to equality data. It’s compulsory for us to report our staff and student data to organisations like the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). Also, the Public Sector Equality Act requires us to monitor personal information, for example, age, disability, gender and ethnicity. This information must be made publicly available.

Staff and student data pages can be accessed by staff only.

Our Access and Participation Plan sets out our aspirations, targets and milestones aimed specifically at equality of opportunity for under-represented groups of students to access, succeed in and progress from higher education.

We have been undertaking Equal Pay Audits since 2008.  Historical Equal Pay Audits can be viewed (by staff only) by clicking on the Staff Data button above.

From 2017, all employers with 250 or more employees must publish and report specific figures about their gender pay gap, which is the difference between the average earnings of men and women, expressed relative to men’s earnings. The figures are published at a ‘snapshot date’ which for public sector employers is 31 March 2018. The purpose of gender pay gap reporting is to achieve greater gender equality across the UK and increase pay transparency.

To view national figures relating to gender pay gap information, visit Gender Pay Gap on Gov.uk.

To view data from other universities, follow the Government's gender pay gap link above and select 'Download Data'. Once downloaded, apply filters and type ‘universities’ into the search function to compare gender pay gap data.

Advice on how to word the equality monitoring elements of your survey can be found by viewing the latest guidance from the Equality Challenge Unit (ECU).

The Equality Act 2010 introduced a General Public Sector Equality Duty, which as a university, Leeds Beckett has to meet.

The general duty has three aims and requires us to have due regard to the need to:

  1. Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010
  2. Advance equality of opportunity between people from different groups
  3. Foster good relations between people from different groups – this involves tackling prejudice and promoting understanding between people from different groups
  4. Meet the needs of people with protected characteristics

Our EDI framework objectives are

  1. We will promote, celebrate and value equality, diversity and inclusion.
  2. We will attract, retain and develop a diverse student and staff community.
  3. We will foster an inclusive educational environment, advancing excellence in research and learning.
  4. We will ensure our campus is inclusive and accessible and supports everyone to achieve their full potential.

We are currently in a consultation process for the redesign of the institutional equality objectives. This will be completed and published in 2023. 

We publish the data which is available in the Public Sector Equality Duty Compliance Report.

Get in touch with the Equality Diversity and Inclusion Team