Student information and disclosures

As a student within the Leeds Beckett community, there are several ways that Support Report Respect is relevant to you, whether you want to access support for yourself or get information on how to support those around you.

If you require urgent support, our Out of Hours and Emergency Information provides details of who to contact in these circumstances including mental health crisis information.

In this page you'll find information on how to disclose or report a behaviour or incident(s) of discrimination, harassment, abuse, violence or hate of any kind, to yourself or someone you know, as well as useful contacts and resources.

As a student at our university, you can use our online disclosure form to tell the university if something has happened to you, another Leeds Beckett student or a visitor to our university. Whether you make a disclosure or a formal report is entirely your choice, and there are a number of ways you can do this.

If you choose to submit a disclosure you can either complete the form anonymously or provide your name and contact details to access support. By providing your details, a Student Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Adviser will be able to make contact with you to discuss your experience, provide initial support and explain your options for taking the disclosure further, if that’s something you’d like to do.

Anonymous disclosures support us in better understanding the prevalence of issues within our community, without requiring you to share personal information. This means we can build a picture of the inappropriate behaviours and incidents that have taken place. We can monitor trends in the information you choose to share with us and use this to inform our preventative work on tackling discrimination, harassment, abuse, and violence.

All disclosures are handled sensitively, and we appreciate you choosing to share your experience with us. Please note that completing our online disclosure form does not initiate a formal report through our University Complaints Procedure and Code of Conduct.

If you require urgent support, our Out of Hours and Emergency Information provides details of who to contact in these circumstances including mental health crisis information.

What can I disclose?

You can use our online form to disclose behaviours or incidents of discrimination, harassment, abuse, violence or hate of any kind, that may be based on race, gender, sexuality, disability or other characteristics. If you have experienced something that has made you feel uncomfortable, you can report it to the university.

Bullying and harassment is behaviour that makes someone feel intimidated or offended. Harassment is unlawful under the Equality Act 2010. Bullying itself is not against the law, but harassment is. This is when the unwanted behaviour is related to one of the following: age, sex, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief or sexual orientation.

Domestic abuse, also called relationship abuse or violence, is usually about one person’s desire to control their partner, even if they are not aware of this themselves. The government defines domestic violence as ‘Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality.'

'Hate incidents' and 'hate crimes' are terms used to describe acts of violence or hostility directed at people because of who they are or who someone thinks they are. They are motivated by hostility or prejudice based on disability, race, religion, transgender identity, or sexual orientation. This can be an incident against a person or against property and includes materials posted online.

Sexual harassment is any unwanted conduct of a sexual nature. You do not have to have objected to a certain kind of behaviour in the past for it to be unwanted and constitute harassment. The law states it is sexual harassment if the behaviours have the effect or intention to: violate your dignity; makes you feel intimidated; degraded or humiliated; create an embarrassing, hostile or offensive environment. Sexual harassment can happen to all genders and is not limited by sexual orientation.

Sexual violence is any behaviour of a sexual nature, which is unwanted and takes place without consent or understanding. If you or any one you know has experienced sexual violence or assault, there is support available. One important thing to remember if you have been raped or experienced any other kind of sexual violence - no matter where you were, what you were doing, what you were wearing, what you were saying, or if you were drunk or under the influence of drugs - it was not your fault; you are not to blame.

Making a formal complaint to the university

If you experience inappropriate behaviour of any kind from a fellow student you can report this to the university by making a formal complaint against the student under the Student Complaints Procedure. The Governance and Legal Services team are responsible for managing student complaints. For further information regarding allegations against another student or a member of staff, please read the information below. 

If you experience inappropriate behaviour of any kind from a fellow student, you can report this to the university by making a formal complaint against the student under the Student Complaints Procedure. The Governance and Legal Services Team are responsible for managing student complaints. When necessary, your complaint will be assigned to a senior member of staff who will then undertake a formal internal investigation of the incident. Their findings will inform sanctions under the Student Code of Discipline that the Governance and Legal Services team will apply as appropriate.

We advise that you contact the Students’ Union for advice/representation during either of these processes.

If you have concerns about your anonymity when submitting a formal allegation/complaint, we suggest speaking with the Students Union first.

The student complaints process also applies if you experience inappropriate behaviour from a member of staff. An investigation will be undertaken, and the Staff Disciplinary Procedure applied, as appropriate.

We advise that you contact the Students’ Union for advice/representation during either of these processes.

Please be aware that if you disclose the name of the member of staff to anyone working at the university, then they will be required to report it as a duty of care, even if you have not yet asked them to.

Reporting to the Police

PC Mark Fox is your university’s Police Liaison Officer. You can arrange to meet with Mark in person, speak to him via phone or e-mail and he can offer advice on your options in relation to any incident, including details on what happens once a police report is made.

If you simply want information, options and reassurance then you can hold back from disclosing personal details about yourself or the perpetrator to Mark. If you disclose your details and/or the perpetrator’s details, it is Mark’s duty as a Police Constable to report it and record it on police systems.

If meeting on campus, Mark can attend in uniform or plain clothes at your request.

Mark Fox WYP

Sexual violence is a criminal offence and can be reported to the Police who have specially trained officers to deal with allegations of sexual violence. If you do decide to report the incident to the police, the criminal process and police investigation will take priority over any university investigations. The university will usually only carry out internal investigations and disciplinary processes if you have chosen not to report the incident to the police, or after the police investigation has concluded. Some actions may be taken by the university whilst a police investigation is ongoing if the safety of students or staff is deemed at risk.

If you are not sure yet whether you want to report to the police but think you might want to at some point, you can have a forensic medical examination carried out at your nearest Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC), where forensic evidence can be stored for a future date. They will not pass on your information to the police unless you ask.

You can find specific information about support available from ISVA (Independent Sexual Violence Advocates) services and other organisations on our 'Get Support' section on this page.

Crimes committed against someone because of their disability, transgender-identity, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation are hate crimes and can be reported to the police. This can include threatening behaviour, assault, damage to property, harassment (on and offline) or inciting others to commit hate crimes.  

True Vision has been developed so reports of hate crimes can be made online and you do not have to visit a police station to report. Click here to report a hate crime to your local police.

You can also visit a Hate Incident Reporting Centre (HIRC) where you can report an incident and have control over the nature of the report, the type of investigation and support you access.

Domestic or relationship abuse or violence is a crime and can be reported to the police. Domestic abuse covers a range of types of abuse, including psychological, physical, sexual, financial, or emotional abuse. It can be prosecuted under a range of offences and the term is used to describe a range of controlling and coercive behaviours.

If it is not an emergency, you can call 101 or use your local police’s online reporting form to make a report. For students in Leeds this will be via West Yorkshire Police or if you live outside of West Yorkshire you can find your local police through the main Police website.

You can find specific information about support available from IDVA (Independent Domestic Violence Advocates) services and other organisations in our Get Support section on this page.

Our support information provides details of university-based services available, as well as external specialist support. If you, or someone you know, has experienced a behaviour or incident(s) that made them feel unsafe, we hope we can help you with accessing the support that is best for you. You can work through this support with an adviser from the university. If you’re not ready to speak with someone, you can access this support without making a disclosure.

Get support from our university

Our Student Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Advisers in Student Services are specially trained to listen to you and your experiences, help you access other professional support services and talk through your options for taking the disclosure further. They can help you find specialist services local to you and understand what to expect. Our team have undergone specialist training to support students who are victims and survivors of harassment, abuse, and violence, or who are engaged in sex work.

If you feel ready to speak to someone, please submit an online disclosure form. Your form will be reviewed by a Student Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Adviser, who will make further contact with you within two working days.

The Student Wellbeing team offer a free and confidential service to all current Leeds Beckett students. They provide advice on lots of issues and can help you manage any difficulties you are experiencing. They will also signpost you to other helpful support services and resources.

You can register with their team using the online form on their webpage.

The Student’s Union Advice Service can support you and provide advocacy if you want to submit a complaint/allegation against another student or member of staff to the university. They can also advise if you want to appeal an outcome and will signpost you to other support services as appropriate.

Get support from local and national services

SARSVL (Support After Rape and Sexual Violence Leeds)

SARSVL is the Rape Crisis Centre for Leeds. They are an independent feminist organisation offering a women only safe space and specialist support for any women and girls in Leeds who have been affected by sexual violence of any kind, at any time in their lives. They are experienced in supporting adult survivors of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) and they are also trans inclusive.

Through SARSVL you can access advocacy for reporting to the police through their ISVA service, counselling, and a general helpline. You can find out more about them and their opening times on their website.

  • Free helpline – 0808 802 3344 (please check opening times on their website)
  • Email –
  • Text – 07860022880

Rape Crisis Centres outside of Leeds

If you are not based in Leeds, you can find your local rape crisis centre on their website.

The Hazlehurst Centre (West Yorkshire)

The Hazlehurst Centre SARC offers a comprehensive service for anyone living in West Yorkshire, who has experienced sexual violence or sexual abuse. You can access The Hazlehurst Centre via the Police and other professionals, as well as via the self-referral pathway (booking an appointment at the SARC, without Police involvement).

At the SARC, you will be offered support and guidance, a medical assessment/treatment, a forensic examination, and the opportunity of aftercare referrals for support services. You will be offered these services based on your individual needs and can choose to use as much or as little of their service as you wish.

You can contact the SARC for support at any point after the incident has happened, but a forensic examination will only be offered within 7 working days of the incident. Forensic examinations can help to preserve any evidence. They can offer this even if you don’t want to involve the Police at the moment but feel that you might want to in the future.

You will need an appointment before going to the centre and the team can normally arrange for you to visit within 24-48 hours, so you won't have to wait long.

Please call them on 0330 223 3617 or email

SARCs outside of West Yorkshire

If you are not in West Yorkshire, then you can find your local SARC via the NHS website.


Leeds Domestic Violence Service (LDVS)

Leeds Domestic Violence Service work with people of all genders, including women, men and non-binary people, to understand their experiences and move forward in a way that works for them.

They are commissioned by the local authority and are made up of staff from three specialist organisations in Leeds, who have decades of experience working with people affected by domestic violence and abuse. These three specialist organisations are Leeds Women’s Aid, Behind Closed Doors, and Women’s Health Matters.

They can support people who have previously or are currently experiencing domestic abuse or violence. They can support you with a range of issues like safety planning, emergency accommodation, advocacy through and Independent Domestic Violence Advocate (IDVA) and much more. You can find out how they can support you by calling their 24-hour helpline, emailing or visiting their website for more information.

Support for people living outside of Leeds

You can also find a host of national services available to you on the NHS website. Any of which will be able to direct you to services local to you.

You can also call the National Domestic Abuse Helpline for free 24/7 on 0808 2000 247.

Karma Nirvana

Karma Nirvana run the UK’s National Honour Based Abuse Helpline. They are there to listen and help anyone who is affected by honour-based abuse or thinks they might be. They can advise on support from the Forced Marriage Unit when appropriate. You can call their free helpline for safe and confidential advice.

  • Free helpline: 0800 5999 247 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)

Galop (LGBTQ+ Support)

Galop is the LGBT+ anti-violence charity. They provide confidential and independent advice and support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer people who have experienced sexual assault, abuse or violence, however or whenever it occurred. If you choose to report to the police, they can help you to get appropriate and effective police response and support you through every step of the criminal justice system. Their service is based on the values of inclusion and empowerment. For more information and the opening times of their various helplines, please visit the Gallop website

  • LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0800 999 5428
  • Conversion Therapy Helpline: 0800 130 3335
  • LGBT+ Hate Crime Helpline: 020 7704 2040

Survivors West Yorkshire (SWY)

Survivors West Yorkshire (SWY) and its male-focused online counselling service “Ben's Place” provide support for male victims and survivors of sexual violence and abuse. Their survivor led service offers pathways for emotional, psychological & self-help support for men in the community who have experienced sexual violence or abuse at any point in their lives. They can also provide advocacy through their ISVA service. For more information, please visit their website.

  • Helpline: 07393140250

Men’s Advice Line - Respect

Men’s Advice Line is a confidential helpline, email, and webchat service for male victims of domestic abuse. They offer advice and emotional support to men who experience abuse, and signpost to other vital services that help men keep themselves (and their children) safe. They can help advise on emotional and practical help, understanding your rights and options, and how to safely leave an abusive relationship. You can find out more about their service online.

General support

Stop Hate UK

Stop Hate UK is an organisation that can provide reporting and supporting options for anyone experiencing hate crime and discrimination. They provide a helpline service, which is 100% confidential and independent. They will never take anything to the Police unless that is what the student wishes to do, and Stop Hate UK will support with reporting to the Police. Students can report via the website or call the helpline on 0800 138 1625 (Leeds).

True Vision

True Vision is an online non-emergency reporting form that allows students to report to the Police without having to call or visit a local Police station. The online report will be forwarded immediately to the relevant Police force for investigation.

Students can report a hate crime via True Vision on the website.



Tell MAMA (measuring anti-Muslim attacks) is an independent, non-governmental organisation which works on tackling anti-Muslim hatred. Tell MAMA provides counselling support to victims of anti-Muslim hate or Islamophobia as well as casework, emotional support, legal signposting, advocacy, and court attendance support.

Students can access the service via or complete a contact form via the website.

Student can report to Tell MAMA directly via telephone at 088 456 1226.


Community Security Trust (CST)

CST (Community Security Trust) is a charity that protects British Jews from antisemitism. They have an office based in Leeds, and a dedicated team that deals with antisemitic incidents and provides victim support, while respecting confidentiality at all times. CST can liaise with the Police and other bodies to help ensure that any incident is dealt with appropriately.

Students can report via the website or call 08000 323263 (National Emergency Number (24hr)) after calling the Police (on 999).

 Non-urgent incidents can be reported via email on

Victim Support

If you have been the victim of a crime, you can contact Victim Support for advice on your options to report and what support is available to you.

National Ugly Mugs

Providing support through a growing community of sex workers and professionals who can help you to report incidents, get content removed online and more.

Revenge Porn Helpline

They provide non-judgemental and confidential advice to those who need help with the reporting and removal of online or offline content. They can advise on reporting crimes to the police and signposting to legal advice.

If someone discloses an experience of discrimination, harassment, violence, abuse or hate crime, it is sometimes difficult to know how to respond. It is ok to not have all the answers and you don’t need to be an expert to support them.  

Your role is to provide a safe space that encourages the individual to seek what they need, by responding in a way that is genuine, appropriate and empowering. Below is information about the basic foundations of supporting someone who has experienced behaviours or incident(s) that have made them feel unsafe, as well as professional support and resource to assist you.  

If you are concerned about a friend, you need advice or you are not sure what to do, you can get confidential guidance and support by making a report or contacting an adviser. 

Some ways you can help

  1. Listen

    Listen, and show that you are listening to what she / he / they have to say, even if it is difficult for you to hear. You might have many questions but try not to interrupt. Accept periods of silence and do not feel like you have to fill the space. Let them tell the story and concentrate on what’s being said. 

  2. Give them control

    Harassment, abuse and violence, of any kind, can make a person feel powerless. It is important that they are given full control over their disclosure and what happens next.

    You can signpost them to the 'Support Report Respect' pages and talk them through their options. However, it is most important to respect whatever route they choose to take and respond sensitively and supportively.

  3. Be patient

    It might not be easy for them to start talking about their experiences. They might feel ashamed, responsible, traumatised or threatened. 

    By telling you about the incident, they have put their trust in you, so avoid encouraging them for details before they are ready. 

    If you are supporting a partner or spouse through an incident, whether it is recently or in the past, they might find intimacy and sexual contact difficult. Remember that this is not a reflection of your relationship. Reassure them and be patient. 

  4. Respect their courage

    It takes so much strength to speak out about harassment, abuse and violence, of any kind. As long as you do not judge them or disclose the incident to anyone else without their consent, you will really be helping someone to seek out the support they need. 

  5. Believe

    Survivors often worry that they will not be believed. It is so important, especially in the early stages of the disclosure, that we convey genuine belief and devote our full attention to them.

    Try not to ask questions that sound like you’re questioning their story. For example, avoid questions that start with ‘Why did you...?’. 

  6. Remember it’s not their fault

    They did not ask for this to happen. No survivor should ever be blamed for not preventing what happened to them. The responsibility lies with the perpetrator. Negative judgements about themselves may be made by the individual and those around them. Therefore, it is important that these are not reinforced. 

To build a positive, inclusive and nurturing university community, we must all make a personal and positive commitment to upholding the values that underpin that.

You can play your part to help change the culture at our university.

Get in touch

All disclosures should be submitted via the forms and not email. If you email us details of an incident, we may be required to take action without your consent.